Sunday, October 25, 2009

A Day Off...

Gracie and I took a mental health day on Friday--and it was the BEST THING we've done in a long time! We had a great morning just hanging out and puttering around the house--great, cozy rainy day, I might add--and my mom and G'ma Caroline came to visit after their doctor appointments. Grace loved showing them around--they had to see all of her books and her Dora Kitchen and all of the pictures around the house. It was so fun and revitalizing! Grace wanted to wear her monkey outfit when she got up, but by the time the pants were on, she had changed her mind about wanting to get, this was her outfit for most of the relaxing morning. :)

Friday, October 23, 2009

Early Debut

Okay, I couldn't wait until October 31--here's Gracie in her MONKEY costume. You win, Uncle Drew! MONKEY FACE!!!

...Short for Belly Button

Grace is starting to venture into multi-syllabic words and phrases..."Bye-bye Dianne," is said everytime we leave her babysitter, "Ba-ba, peez" when she would like her bottle, and "Da-da HOME" is chanted over and over on our way home from work to see Jeff. We know that she's able to say many syllables together, so Jeff and I just chuckle when she admires her belly button and simply calls it, "Butt."

Lovely. We'll work on it...

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Costume Prep...

Gracie is loving her Halloween costume that came in the mail. Any guesses on what kind of animal feet are dangling from her highchair? Answer to be revealed October 31!

Sweet Sixteen Months

Thursday, October 1, 2009

WWF in our Livingroom

Grace's new favorite activity is tackling Daddy. She just lowers her chin and races for Dad when he's on the floor. And then there's giggling...