Friday, October 29, 2010

Oscar the Grouch

After watching three episodes of Sesame Street, Gracie has declared that she doesn't like Oscar the Grouch. Well, he's cranky, has a mean scratchy voice, and sports fuzzy eyebrows. Makes sense to me. But when I asked her why she didn't like him, she replied, "...because he's GERMY."

Oh, right. And he lives with garbage. Got it.


Fall is one of my favorite seasons! I love the leaves changing colors, the brisk temperatures bringing jeans back to the center of a wardrobe, and the coziness that comes with going back to school and getting into routine after a crazy summer. This is what our routine is shaping up to look like this year...

Jeff is in his 4th year of teaching at Rogers HS and is beginning his 4th different teaching assignment! :) This year he's teaching all geometry--a couple regular geometry classes and three classes of honors geometry. I thought he'd get bored having the same class every hour, but he really likes it! He's really getting into being the nerdy math teacher--buying books entitled, "Here's Looking at Euclid" and singing songs on his guitar about the quadratic equation and such... The kids and I got to stop by his classroom the other day and we loved seeing him interact with his kids. It is impossible to see him at work and not know that God has called him to this specific teaching assignment. :) He's just finished coaching girls soccer again this fall, and we were excited to catch a few games before the weather turned too chilly...

I am getting the best of both worlds again this year by working part-time! After working full time last year at LMS as a math teacher, I am now back at LSE job-sharing with my good friend, Melissa, in a 4/5 multi-age classroom! It's a dream! We decided to split up the schedule without rotating my schedule up until February is working Thursdays and Fridays and then I'll switch in the spring to Mon-Wed. So the kids and I are really having fun on our days off together. Most of the time we stay home and get the everyday things done--laundry, dishes, naps, baths, picking up toys, etc.--but each week we find fun outings to go on. Sometimes we meet up with the Van Sickles and Edmondsons, other times we see grandparents or run errands. After staying home I always think that I could do this everyday, but then I go to work and think I could do THAT everyday. Confirmation that this is the perfect fit for us right now!

Grace and Josh
The kids love all their days--weekend days with Mom AND Dad, stay-home days with Mom, and "Grandma" Dianne days with, yes, their amazing babysitter, Dianne. Dianne is the mom of one of my co-workers who also watches little Brooklyn, my co-worker's daughter. Brooklyn and Gracie are only 3 days apart in age, so they get along--and work on sharing! :)--really well. Brooklyn is trying to teach Gracie how to go potty on the "big potty" and to go down the slide (both of which Gracie resists at this time!) and Gracie yacks Brooklyn's ear off playing all sorts of pretend. They are quite the pair. I think Joshy just observes the whole thing. :) Josh is working on SLEEPING right now--it seems that he does NOT want to miss out on anything, so he just likes to take catnaps. In the last week he's found a whole new that he's SITTING. And, when he can get a word in edgewise, he's beginning to talk: "Da-da-da-da-da" is his favorite and he loves to blow bubbles with his lips.

We are blessed beyond measure!

Auntie Julie Comes to Visit!

Auntie Julz came to visit this month...
...and this time she stayed with us!
...Gracie and Josh (and Jeff & LE)
were excited that she was ALL OURS. :)

Greenbluff, Polka Dot Pottery, birthday pizza...
...we were blessed by our time with her.

Somehow Aunties just make life more fun. :)

Papa's Shelves

We are so excited about the bookshelves that Papa LeRoy made for us! He's so talented! We love how they look in our TV room--and I love that several boxes of books are now out of our storage room! Notice that Gracie is showing us how she stays OUT of the cupboards and Josh is showing us how he can sit up all by himself now...


Littlest...and mightiest...Morrow.

Love this girl!

Soccer Season

Abby--age 5

Brooke--age 14

Adoring Fans...

It was so fun to catch some of our niece's soccer games this year! We love watching them long until next season?

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


I should be reading my school homework, but instead I want to record this silly Gracie story:

I was making dinner and was apparently zoning out, not hearing Gracie saying over and over, "Mommy, come to my wedding. Mommy, come to my wedding. Mommy, come to my wedding..." (we've been talking about weddings lately and she's decided to play age two...yikes). I finally hear her last request because it's followed by: "Uh, ohhh..." I ask her what is wrong and she says in her best mommy voice: "...Are you not listening?"

I chuckle inside, knowing that she hears these two phrases together whenever she decides not to obey.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Hearts are Gonna Roll...

Is this kid cute or what?!?

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Friends and Greenbluff

The Schneringers came over from Issaquah to visit us for the weekend. We had a great time! Gracie had so much fun with Caleb and Ali--on the swing set, with her flamingoes, and of course in the hay maze... And the adults had a great time playing games and visiting until midnight-two nights in a row!-and hanging out at the fire pit, and watching Joel play with the kids in the hay mound. Such a great weekend!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Happy Birthday, Brooke!

Brooke's birthday was on Sept 24 and we got to celebrate with her on the weekend before--she had two soccer games here in Spokane and to celebrate she scored SIX GOALS! Two hat trick games! What a day!

After the games we went to the Olive Garden downtown to eat delicious food--and during our substantial wait, she and Michael acquired some stellar sunglasses and tiara clips. They helped make the party more memorable...

Happy birthday, sweet 14-year old! We love you!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Tomato Soup

This girl takes after her daddy and her G'ma Joan:

She LOVES tomato soup!
Grilled cheese to dip,
and oyster crackers to dunk...
Mmmmm, mmmm, mmmmm!
(The bowl tip strategy was learned after careful study of Daddy...)