Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


While we're biting our nails, watching the GU vs. San Diego State game, I will offer my heart a distraction and post these pics that I took the other day while Gracie was still napping... Go Zags!

Kids' Dedication

On Sunday, November 14, we dedicated Grace and Josh at church. It was a blessed day--so many of our friends and family were there to show their love for our kids. We are so incredibly blessed!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Gracie's Book Pick

This is Gracie's latest obsession. TOY STORY 3, given to her by G'ma Colleen for Halloween. This girl won't sit in front of the TV for more than 5 seconds, but she'll have you read a book to her 5 million times in one day. :) She doesn't like to sit through the whole book, at age 2, but each day she sits for one page more than the day before. As you may expect, she has the thing memorized. I read the first part of a sentence and she fills in the rest.
Mom: "For a long time, Woody the cowboy felt as if he was..."
Grace: "...the luckiest TOY in the world!"

***SPOILER ALERT*** If you don't know yet, this book has Andy going off to college and putting his toys in boxes. This has inspired Gracie to pack her canvas drawers to the brim with toys--and her bags and purses--and if you ask her what she's doing, she'll inform you: "I'm packing up for college!"

Sheeesh. Childhood went by so fast.

Joshy's moving...

...but he's still too slow to outrun the camera!
Grace only lasted for one picture--Josh tugged
her hair and she was out of there!

Okay, those CHEEKS...with a pair like that you get 1,000 kisses a day!

Love this profile! So distinct, even from day one.

Classic. :) I expect to see this same expression when he's ten
and he's been told it's time to turn off the video games...

(Perhaps I've seen this look before on a 30-year old
Lochhead when the same idea is suggested???)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Joshua the Dinosaur

Gracie the Ladybug

Ponies, Hot Chocolate, and Bundling Up

The day before Halloween we were able to meet the
Lochhead/Showalter/Largent clan up at Greenbluff...

...and it was freezing!
We spent the first part inside at the cafe
drinking hot chocolate and looking at produce.

But then the fog rolled out and we got to watch kids ride ponies...

...and direct from the sidelines. :)
She's not a horse fan. She must remember last year's episode...

Cousins! Josh wants Janie's popcorn...

...the POPCORN, Mom. Not the pretzel.

Lochhead Christmas Card, 2010

Ah, just the two of us...

...I mean THREE of us. :)

It's so good to be loved.