The Friday that school (aka teacher meetings!) were out, we hustled out of Dodge. Jeff and Gracie went overnight to Camp Spaulding for "Daddy/Me Camp" and Josh and I had a movie night with toaster waffles for dinner. We then met the next day up at Indian Creek Campground to celebrate the Lochhead men.
Granny and Pappy even made it for the day. Pappy was having a great day--he even drove all the way home that night. He must be recovering!
We kept talking about how last year we kept passing Oden around in his blanket...and this year he is camping it up! Our favorite was when he started looking under the camp trailer with the eyes of a mechanic..."How does this thing work? Does it need some fixing?"
Gracie loved Camp with Daddy--was the 2nd one in the water and the last one out! She and her Daddy are fish!
Drew spearheaded getting this panoramic canvas done for Pappy--it's the view of Mt. Spokane from their deck at the Edencrest house. It meant a lot to Pappy! (And does our son have a rope around his neck? Nah...just a stick. He's a stick addict.)
The Lochhead dads and boys...
The Lochhead moms and daughters. (Gracie: "Everyone in these pictures has the same last name!!!")
Buds. Soon to start wrecking havoc together...
Our Daddy...the kids finished sentences about their favorites:
Josh: My daddy loves it when I..."WRESTLE!" My favorite thing to do with Daddy is..."WRESTLE!" My daddy is funny when he..."WRESTLES!"
Gracie: My daddy loves to eat..."with me." :) My daddy always says..."GO TO SLEEP!"
How long will she believe that squirrels and hummingbirds make the best pets? Good thing we can always borrow Brodie and Swede! :)
On Saturday night, we walked down to the lake. This is the only picture of the kids CLOTHED. The lake was calling them, and their clothes were soon shed like sins at a tent revival.
THIS boy was completely into it! I hope they got a video! (Sand to be found EVERYWHERE, for DAYS...)
Swimming in underooskies?!? Unheard of! It must be summer!
And the mommy who was wondering how in the world they'd ever get back to camp in one piece shouldn't have worried--Daddy the Adventurer always has a plan. He must've done this before...he had them in a de-sanding assembly line in no time at all.
It was such a wonderful way to kick off our summer--with the lake, the forest, great food, and our family--especially those adventuresome dads! (Pappy and Papa Scott totally explain this adventure-loving dad of ours! He "learned it by watching you!")