Friday, April 25, 2014

April 1st...

Thirty lollipops…each made with two painted paper plates…that makes 60 painted paper plates…who has time for such shenanigans?!?  Certainly not a working/nursing mother of three!  It appears as though someone is trying to frame me.

 Grandma Trudy's house advertised free lollipops on April 1st...

 …it looked a bit like Candy Land!

It was all very SWEET...until someone would bend down to take a free lollipop out of the bucket, only to see a MIRROR with the word SUCKER on it.  :)

And G'ma had a basket of little suckers to give away to the poor Dum-Dums who fell for it.

Twenty-one years, folks!  In the books.

Our Little Batt-man

Better than a kitten with a ball of yarn...

"I was MADE for basketball." -Gracie Lou Who

We had such a fun time watching Gracie play on her first basketball team!  She made several baskets throughout the season, got really good at dribbling her basketball (in my kitchen, thanks to her coach's suggestion!), and has decided that this is HER sport.  :)

And she is also A READER, folks!!!  She was so cute one night--she fell asleep "practicing" her reading with Cat in the Hat.  Oh, we love this girl.  She's so brave to be the first-born, showing her brothers how to do all of these first-time feats...

Mom, how do you turn four?

This is the last picture taken of Josh as a 3-year-old.  Earlier this month he asked me how to turn four and I told him you go to sleep three and wake up FOUR.  No big deal.  After that conversation Gracie said we'd "better take a good look at him" the night before his birthday.  So here's the good look.  Ready or not, FOUR, here we come!  (My heart wants this all to slow down, by the way.)

And here he is at FOUR!  I took him to the Rocket Bakery for a breakfast date and we ate an enormous cinnamon roll while putting together his new monster puzzle.

That night Josh picked Froyo as his dessert out.

Both of Joshy's siblings chose some very sweet gifts to give Josh on his birthday:
 ...Gracie lost her 2nd front tooth, just for Joshy on his birthday...

 …and Micah rolled over for the first time just for Joshy on his birthday!

It actually happened at Gracie's basketball practice on the hard gym floor, but this is the reenactment, only hours later.

We love you, sweet Joshy boy.  We can't wait to see what your fourth year holds!

Best Buddy Kai Turns FOUR

Isn't this the sweetest boy?!?  This crepe-sneaking boy was up first thing on his birthday to have his mom measure him on the family measuring wall.

Kalei and Micah, the party boy, son of...

 ...The Party Man.

 Heidi and Judy with Mr. Jim, "the boyfriend" :)

 Chef Pierre and the photo bomb by the dish installer on the roof next door

 Oh, these boys.  They squeeze my heart.

Kai had a Candyland cake this year.  And he was so SWEET to share his limelight with Joshy.  What liveliness these boys bring to our families!!!  Love, love.

Mic-Wazowski at 4 months

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Too Nice to Eat Inside

The Monday after Joshy's party, the weather turned spring and I couldn't resist a picnic at Bowl and Pitcher after picking Gracie up from Kindergarten.

Joshy Turns FOUR

Josh was so excited about his Oozma Kappa birthday party this year.  This is the name of the Monster Fraternity on Monsters University.  He was so excited about his OK t-shirt that we ordered…and the cake…and the monsters popping out of the table…

 Singing to him.

 Our family shot--this year with Micah in his baby burrito costume

 Can you find the REAL monster in this shot?

It was such a fun day.  Can't believe he's four!