Tuesday, November 27, 2018

O Christmas Tree

These three are a riot!  Tree selected in 20 minutes before closing on a Tuesday night this year.  Lots of traipsing around in search of the perfect tree, only to get the pre-cut gem at the entrance.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Thankful People

The day before Thanksgiving Jeff got to explode pumpkins while Ellie taught for a half day.  Conferences done, we got to start break at the farm with the Gonzaga game.  All was well with the world.

This year Micah's birthday was ON Thanksgiving!  So this was his last picture at age 4.  Cute kid.  I hope he's still cute when he's five...

 Grace and I were in charge of decorating the garage for the feast.  We got a little creative.

 Jeff made his brussel sprouts with bacon!  Delicious!

Earlier in the morning, Papa went to the ER, in great pain.  We later found out he had gall stones, but the day of Thanksgiving was a bit subdued, with G'ma coming over with Jerry for dinner and then returning to the hospital.  November and December were pretty hard on G'ma and Papa this year.

 That evening, all of the aunts and uncles went to be with Papa, and were pretty scared that it was serious, so the cousins and Diane's friend, Sue, held down the fort while the real adults were away.  Cards and puzzling ensued.

 And Micah had a humongous piece of pumpkin pie for his birthday dessert!  Lucky!

 Papa hung on overnight, much to our relief.  We all took turns visiting him in Pullman.

 This was the Garner Minchu year at WSU...the 70's 'stache will live in WSU infamy.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Micah Turns FIVE

Micah wanted a Superhero party this year and we decided to keep it simple by getting Hello Sugar donuts for the dessert.  Gone are the days of homemade cakes...it only took NINE years for us to get smart.  :) There was a Harry Potter theme going on at HS, so of course we took some photos.

 Micah didn't quite know what to do with all of the attention.  He sort of rolled his eyes up into his head like a turtle retreating in his shell.  :)

 And the party ended and the party planners CRASHED.