Saturday, June 29, 2019

Little Diamond with G'ma and Papa

On the way home from Camp Spalding, we drove to Little Diamond to spend the day with G'ma and Papa and Oden and Nels.  They are with G'ma and Papa for a week while their parents are in Europe!  Highlights were BINGO and SWIMMING and S'MORES, for sure!

Friday, June 28, 2019

While Gracie was gone...

Fishing, soccer, biking, swim lessons, picking arugula, ad time with the Lochhead cousins!

Friday, June 21, 2019

Tea Time for Grace and Daddy

While Mom was laid up, Daddy took Grace to tea and I think Micah went to Granny's?

Thursday, June 20, 2019

LASIK happened, people!

 I was so excited to have this eye surgery done--I'd gone to lots of pre-op appointments and had worn glasses for two weeks before surgery.  It went really well--if I ever do it again I will ask for MORE valium.  ha!  Drops in the eyes every ten minutes on the first day made for a day of laying around, listening to the Mr. Rogers biography audiobook.  I got these really awesome protective glasses to wear all the first day and then to bed for a week.  Better than 20/20 the day after!  Waking up to clear vision with NO GLASSES was amazing.