Thursday, December 31, 2020

Reflection on this "Unprecedented Year"

Whelp...2020.  What can I say?  The beginning started fairly normally, but where we were at the END of 2020 was somewhere no one could've predicted.  There were plenty of CLOUDS this year, and when we took time to focus on the good stuff, we found lots of SILVER LININGS.

THE CLOUDS--Global pandemic beginning on March 13...unknown health risks, school through Zoom for 10 weeks to finish the year, masks, the pandemic culture filled with opinions, experts, flattening the curve, and then vaccination.  Everything was cancelled in the spring:  NCAA tournament, soccer seasons, Hoopfest and Bloomsday.  We stressed over decisions to try to protect people around us, family gatherings adapted to be outdoors or online, making decisions on what symptoms should keep us home, wondering if we had covid, making plans in pencil because of the high risk of cancellation.  And then the political election of 2020...those high emotions are ones I would rather not experience again.  Lots of putting people in categories--and trying to fight not to!--liberal, conservative, mask-wearer, non-mask wearers, Black Lives Matter, police supporters.  Though we were all immersed in GRAY, it felt as though our culture kept trying to get us to see black and white.  You're either in this camp or the other.  Lots of extremes.  My blood pressure is rising just remembering it.  But through it all, there were some beautiful moments...

THE SILVER LININGS--This year we tackled Zoom and Google Classroom like a boss!  :)  We are so adaptable.  WE GOT NESSA.  This seemed to be the phrase we all heard ourselves saying this year, "Covid stinks, but we LOVE NESSA."  We got a house ready to sell, and moved our family to Lowe Road.  We got several weeks with Colin and Linnea and Waffy!  The kids all started at new schools in the fall.  We renovated the basement of our new house to give Grace a new room and bathroom. And interspersed throughout we got used to being together so much...and liked MOST of it.  :)  We went through the Avengers movies chronologically, we baked bread and cookies and played board games and cribbage non-stop.  We ordered groceries for pick-up and went for lots of (puppy!) walks.  We snuggled Nessa and trained her with online videos as her "puppy classes."  We got a Nintendo Switch, and spent many hours with Linnea and Colin, just living life.  We found the benefits of reflection and prayer and anti-anxiety meds.  Grace and Jeff got to start off a school year in the same building!  And as things started to open up in the fall, we bravely tackled them in masks, and remembered--and still kept--the cozy family-at-home times that we could.

We end the year as grateful people.  Perhaps more grateful than we've realized in the past.  Here's to 2021--may it be closer to "normal" after an unprecedented year, while embracing the slowness and quality that we learned to value in 2020.

Sending 2020 Out...

We sent 2020 out with not a lot of fanfare...there were snow activities, Christmas present enjoyment, and chatting with Cassie and Debbie via zoom.  Our 2nd ski trip went well, but we stayed on the bunny hill this time around.  The kids sledded at Ryan and Angela's and we had Jen and the kids over for crepes afterwards.  New Year's Eve was pretty tame--we watched movies and played Scattergories with Colin and Linnea and her mom via zoom.  (If this year has taught us ANYTHING, it's how to Zoom!) Goodbye 2020, don't let the door kick you in the hiney on the way out...

Sunday, December 27, 2020

The Farm Christmas

We went down to the farm for the day this year--we would've normally stayed longer, but with the covid protocol that we were trying to follow, we decided a day would be enough for this year.  It turned out to be a great day, and even though we were sad to leave at the end of the night, we were thankful to have the time we did have with The Rents and all...

Micah had NO IDEA what this present was...  :)

Stockings were so fun!  Millie started writing in her journal instantly, and Jane was so expressive when opening gifts.

We gave Jane a singing fish toy--you're welcome, Mosers.

Papa made Brooke a lamp this year!

Jeff had Eddy and got him a bike seat.  I had Brady and gave him boring ol' jeans and t-shirts.  Grace had Lolo and gave her nightgown and one to match for her American Girl doll that was new this Christmas.  Josh had Abby and her record didn't come in time so we gave her a Spotify Premium membership for 3 months (she was ecstatic!  on her list!) and Micah had Jane.  Baby Shark singing toy, mentioned above.  You're still welcome, Mosers.  It was a strange Christmas, but we were thankful for the time we got!  Next year HAS to be better...

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Boxing Day Activities....

...included a friendly match between Chelsea and Aresenal...which ended in tears...

...showing off my presents, G'ma C's ring fixed and a ski sweater...

...wet dogs and stockings sewed for G'ma Joan!

Friday, December 25, 2020

Christmas Day, 2020

Things remembered from Christmas Day 2020--FOOZBALL, Grace's PHONE, Micah's 2nd blanket that he gifted to Josh, drive-in relatives with gift opening in the driveway, Micah's Alexa, and Josh's Liverpool Sweatshirt (redo!) and his tapestry that was arriving late.  I do also recall puzzling and cinnamon rolls.  A great first Christmas at our new house! (And a HUGE improvement over last Christmas when Jeff was sick in bed all day!)