Saturday, October 31, 2020

A Very Masked Halloween

Halloween was on  a Saturday this year, and our plan was to Trick-or-Treat in our new neighborhood with Kai and Heidi...but somehow one of our families was exposed to Covid and we chose to skip getting together.  We DID carve jackolanterns and we DID go T-or-T'ing in our neighborhood, just on our own.  Jeff and Nessa stayed back to throw candy out the door (touchless!) to T-or-T'ers.  :)


Friday, October 30, 2020

Almost...a very masked Halloween...

Jeff's Cohort A kids in costume, the day before Halloween.
I forget why Micah's giving a thumbs-up...?

Day one of Bob Ross...:)

Friday, October 23, 2020

First Snow?!? On October 23?!?

So, on my SECOND full day of school, it snows (in October)! What a weird world.
Katie let Nessa out for us on Thursdays and every other Friday, so she got to show Nessa her first snow!  Katie was sweet enough to take pictures for us!  She LOVED the snow...slipped right off the patio!

This was my drive home that day!  Crazy!
Katie leaves presents sometimes!

Jeff went out to shake the pears down off the tree out back.  Our tree grew frozen pears!  :)

Thursday, October 22, 2020

October Coziness...and School Change #1

The leaves are gorgeous!  Grace and I got to have a coffee date on her day off while we got the van checked into...

The basement project continues...the shower insert in, the closet created, the drywall up!

A new lampshade for Micah.

And this was the week that Lake Spokane (NMFSD) started back in a hyrbid model!  I had the second half of the alphabet on Thursdays and Fridays, while these kids learned from home M-W.  Melissa had the first half on opposite days.  I got super close to these ELEVEN kids, keeping this schedule from October-March!  I called them my soccer team eleven.