Sunday, January 31, 2021

Another Memorable Ski Day

On this trip to 49, ON JEFF'S FIRST TRIP TO THE TOP, his ski binding broke and he had to get a lift down the hill on the sled.  Can you believe his luck this year?!?  He spent the day reading in the pickup (this is why you always bring your book!) as the lodge wasn't opened due to Covid.  Grace ended up having a short day of skiing, as the powder was too beautiful for her to navigate.  We ended up skiing with Van Sickles on this trip.


And then I took pics of the crew for Valentine creations...STAY TUNED!

Friday, January 29, 2021

My Thursday-Friday Group

At this point in the year, our school had kids come back two days/week, to be able to keep kids 6 ft apart.  The younger kids started back 4-days/week a little sooner than we did, as our rooms couldn't keep 30ish kids 6 ft apart.  So in January, Melissa taught the first half of the alphabet students on M/T, all kids learned from home on Wed, while Melissa and I worked together in the classroom, and I taught the second half of the alphabet students on Th/Fri.  It was quite different teaching in person two days and online three days--we had three days of online work that half of the students did on their days at home--and I remember on our two days in school we worked on spiral math and...what else?  I think I've blocked it out.  Oh!  We brought back Love That Dog as a literacy/poetry unit!  We gave ourselves permission to do engaging learning activities while we had students in front of us.  In masks.  Six feet apart.  Lunch in the classroom. Rotated recess areas. But we were doing it!  I got quite attached to these ELEVEN 5th graders...

I always took pictures of the online work and loaded it up at home if I couldn't finish on our Work Wednesdays.  I hope to never see Edgenuity again!!!

OH!  When I opened the door to the game cupboard to find the dice that I could write on, games erupted from the cupboard.  And I remembered that the last time this game cupboard was opened was on March 13, 2020, when the kids had earned a game afternoon.  That was our last day of school in person before the Covid wave hit and changed our these terribly-put-away games had been waiting almost a year to erupt on the next door opener...

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Birthday Projects and Chick-fil-A Initiation

Jeff made this coat rack for Katie's birthday this year!  He got these hooks from Dad's collection, when we asked for hooks to mismatch in the garage project.  Katie LOVED IT and eventually found a bench to sit beneath it in her entryway.

And Grace and I finally braved the LOOOOOONG Chic-fil-A line and brought home a fun new dinner for the family.  Forty minutes in line in the late afternoon...WORTH IT.  (The sauces!  I asked for too many...)


Monday, January 25, 2021

Granny's Birthday

Granny turned 87 this year and couldn't think of anything she really needed...but perhaps something to hang in her hallway for January would be nice!  The kids and I collaborated to put this together for her and her hallway.  We love this sweet lady!

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Alea's 16th Birthday

Alea's birthday was the first gathering of the Lochheads and Van Sickles since Christmas!  We'd keep getting exposed or weren't feeling well...and that's how 2021 started out!  But for Alea's birthday, she invited us over for amazing Asian food.  We were so happy to be together!  She wanted plants this year, and I was happy to find something green for her!

Saturday, January 23, 2021

A Nessa Cut and a Great Ski Day

From SHAG to TIDY, always amazed at this process!

We had a great day on the ski hill!!!  We found the Midway loop that was just right for our abilities this year and just kept taking it!  Lots of happiness today.


Sunday, January 17, 2021

Another Lost & Found Jeff Story

MLK Jr. Day we headed up the ski hill.  But this time, Jeff unknowingly left the tailgate down.  When we got to the parking lot of the ski hill, he realized that his ski boot bag was missing.  Frustrated, to say the very least, he unloaded us and started the drive home, looking for his ski boot bag all the way.  The kids and I stayed on the bunny hill for the day, as the kids didn't want to try the bigger hills without Dad.  On Jeff's way back up the hill, he got a call from a man who'd found his boots on the corner of Hwy 2 and Dennison-Chatteroy Road.  He knew to call Jeff because Jeff had left a pick-up slip in the bottom of the bag, and this man was nice enough to call.  Jeff was overjoyed, and we drove down to Hillyard to meet this man at his cousin's car shop to pick them up.  It was in the the throes of Covid, so though it was weird to shake someone's hand, Jeff did it happily.  Another lost and found story for Jeffrey!!!

 Odie and Nels came over to ski a couple trips with our kids!  COUSINS!!!