Monday, February 18, 2008

Girls' Weekend

Jeff has been gone this long weekend--he and a few friends are having a MANcation (which includes--but is not limited to--skiing, eating steaks, playing video games, and other manly sorts of activities). While he's been gone, it's been a GIRLS' WEEKEND here! My mom and my sister and her almost-4-year-old daughter Abby came to visit me overnight. Abby was so excited to have a sleepover at Aunt Ellie's house--and to be the only-child for 48 hours! (Brooke had a sledding party over the weekend and little Megan had to hold down the fort with dad).

The girls in my family brought lots of needed energy--we shopped and ate out and watched movies and stayed up late visiting (when we should have been sleeping). It was so fun! Included in our purchases over the weekend was our crib set that Jeff and I finally decided on--ladybugs are the focus of the pink, white, light green, and red set. And little ABBY loves to shop! She had us in stitches trying on bathing suits in the dressing room of Kohl's--each suit complete once the selected sunglasses were in place and a dance was performed in front of the mirror. She is a crack-up! I'll never forget her asking the Papa John's pizza delivery lady if she worked for Papa MURPHY'S--and then saying good-bye and "I love you" as she left. How's that for a tip?!? Such a fun time with them.

I was also blessed to have some girl time with my friend Rachel--more eating out and shopping--and I was able to have coffee with friends Cassie and Debbie. Saturday I got to celebrate our friend Sarabeth--who is marrying our friend Joel in April--at her bridal shower held at the Hits House!! Oh, and MORE fun playing Catan with Julie, Heidi, Rachel, and Matt (who was the token male, but said that it was okay if it was short-term, that it kind of reminded him of days living in Warren Hall). Needless to say, I'm resting today. :) (And though the weekend was fun, I am VERY excited to have my sweet husband back!)


Heather Estridge said...

WOWzers, I'm not pregnant but that weekend makes me want to take a nap just reading about it. I'm glad you had fun with all the girls (& Matt, what a great sport). Can't wait to see pictures of your nursery set up, sounds cute!

Sean said...

How fun!!! I'm so glad you have a blog now so I can read about things like your fun weekend and be just a little jealous :) This will be way easier than that good ole' Round Robin letter (that still has not made it to me yet) haha :) Anyone else in the Warren circle blogging? -Erin