Tuesday, August 5, 2008

All because we forgot the Salt & Vinegar chips...

Yes, the annual trip to Glacier, our favorite national park, may go down in history as the craziest Lochhead trip thus far. We're pretty sure it was because we grabbed Salt & PEPPER chips instead of our fave Salt & VINEGAR chips...threw the whole chemistry off, you know. These pictures record all the fun things that happened--surprisingly I didn't take a picture of Jeff's migraine or of me laying awake in the cold tent, wondering if our 2-month-old was warm enough... But we'll be back next year to re-claim our "family"hood! :)

Before the first leg of our trip: At this point we didn't know we'd grabbed the wrong chips...

Our outdoor girl: Grace loves being out in nature...Here she is taking a snooze on the picnic table that served as a great baby seat!!

Our campsite: Jeff and I played a few rounds of Ticket to Ride, our new favorite board game, after camp was set up.

Bowman Lake: We drove to the north part of the park so Jeff could do some fly-fishing--we'd never seen this part of the park before. It was gorgeous!

Gracie Rest-Stop #6: On the way TO the park she slept four of the five hours. On the way home, we STOPPED every hour! :) This is Jeff consoling a tired baby...


Keith and Meghan said...

We love Glacier too :) I have to admit when we went to Mt. Rainer this year I was hoping we'd bump into the Lochheads like we did last year---that was so fun.

Heather Estridge said...

Oh this cracks me up! I'm so glad you all are getting out with a new baby and making memories! I'm not a big fan of the Salt and Pepper chips either...