Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Happy Birthday, Brooke!

Twelve? How did that happen?!? It seems like yesterday that we first met the sweet age of four. Now you're all tall and stuff. I guess time flies when you're having fun, right?

I wish I were at school today so that my 5th graders--who are YOUNGER than you--could serenade you over the phone on your birthday...but alas, you'll have to settle for Aunt Ellie and Uncle Jeff's croaky voices...

"Happy Birthday, Brooke!" We love you and are so proud of the fine young lady you're becoming. Love--Le, Jeff and Gracie too!

PS-The Faith Hill song was added to our site in your honor. I remember singing this at HIGH decibels in the car with you when you were 9 or so...

Aunt Perri's Visit

I didn't take any pictures, but used this fun site,, to list a few words highlighting Jeff's favorite aunt from the Westside...I couldn't figure out how to make it pop up in our blog, so you'll have to go to it...
title="Wordle: Perri"> src=""
style="padding:4px;border:1px solid #ddd">
Thanks for the site, Amy! :)

Friday, September 19, 2008

Goodnight, G...orilla!

Jeff's new favorite book is Goodnight, Gorilla. This book was given to us from one of my school families--it was their favorite growing up, and it's quickly becoming one of Grace's faves! Jeff will have to update his Goodreads site...

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Surprise Visit to the Farm

I was really missing my family and heard that on Friday my mom and G'ma Caroline were making applesauce--so, having Fridays off now, I decided to surprise them by showing up with Gracie to help! They were so excited to see us and we got spoiled by their attention. Dad even got in on the action when he heard that G was coming to help...

We had to leave before the job was completed--but G'ma told me later that they canned 70 quarts and many pints! It was such a fun day--like medicine for Grace and I! (Jeff had to work and was very jealous!)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I know, I know...

...I'm starting bad habits by letting Gracie snuggle in our bed in the mornings. But I just can't help it! I mean, LOOK at that cute little bug, all cozied in with her fuzzy ducky PJ's. I'm defenseless. I've decided to enjoy every little snuggle we get instead of feeling guilty about it--we'll start an intervention when Mom and Dad start getting chased out of bed by swinging elbows. First bloody nose she gives Dad, and she's outta there! :)

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Thursdays and Fridays

This year I'm working part-time, so I am lucky enough to have these two fabulous days off each week. Grace and I did all sorts of fun stuff on our first two days off together--including adventuring with the stroller to the coffee drive-thru, which would've been a hilarious picture. Instead, here are a few pictures from our less-silly moments...

I wanted to show Grace's tile-framed mirror. Friends and family decorated the tiles for her and Colleen was sweet enough to finish the job by grouting the tiles into the frame for us. The goal next week is to get it hung over G's changing table...

I was trying to get her to "talk" on her phone, but it turns out she just wanted to lick the receiver.

September Means...School Starts!!!

It's been a crazy week for the Lochheads, as Jeff and I returned to the responsibilities of the working class. Jeff got out the door before I was ready with the camera, so he avoided his first day of school picture...

... but here is Gracie, all ready for her first day of daycare! She had a great day--with her big-girl bottles and binky in tote--and her mom only cried a little when she dropped her off. Miss Debra already had Grace's name on the door with the rest of the babies' nameplates, and above her crib in the nursery--they were ready for her! I have found that my new favorite part of the work day is picking her up at the end of the day!

Happy Birthday, Megan!!

Our sweet niece, Megan is lucky enough to have an August birthday. Each year she has fabulous summer parties--with water games, swimsuits, and popsicles. (Jeff and I envy all summer birthday-ers, as we both have winter birthdays, never celebrated in swimsuits). This year we celebrated in style with DORA THE EXPLORER. I wanted to show up in BOOTS, but Jeff thought that would be too cheesy. (Boots is Dora's monkey, folks). We had "Dora cups, and Dora plates, and Dora cake..."

Megan is so cute that she even pulls Papa Greg away from his combine for the afternoon--she's also lucky enough to have a birthday right in the middle of harvest! :) She is Papa's girl, through-and-through.

Aunt Ellie: "How old are you, Megan?" Megan: "I'm this many." My favorite is when she says that on the phone--and after she says this I ask her, "Are you turning three?" and then she says, "NO, I'm THIS MANY."

Gracie loves her cousins! Abby is so good at holding her...and changing her, and kissing her... In fact, when Gracie is fussing, Abby (age 4) says, "Give her to me, I know how to calm her down."

Ha! And the next minute...Daddy's furrowed brow shows itself. Darn genetics.

Happy Birthday, Miss Megan! We love you and are so proud of you!!!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Full Circle...

It was the summer of nineteen-nine-seven on a car ride with my good friend Brock up to Priest Lake that I allowed myself to be inundated with Dave Matthews Band. I have enjoyed their music ever since. Yet, this past weekend marks the first time I have experienced DAVE in person, and it just seemed fitting that it was with Brock. It was an evening of fine music spent with a great friend.