Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Happy Birthday, Brooke!

Twelve? How did that happen?!? It seems like yesterday that we first met the sweet age of four. Now you're all tall and stuff. I guess time flies when you're having fun, right?

I wish I were at school today so that my 5th graders--who are YOUNGER than you--could serenade you over the phone on your birthday...but alas, you'll have to settle for Aunt Ellie and Uncle Jeff's croaky voices...

"Happy Birthday, Brooke!" We love you and are so proud of the fine young lady you're becoming. Love--Le, Jeff and Gracie too!

PS-The Faith Hill song was added to our site in your honor. I remember singing this at HIGH decibels in the car with you when you were 9 or so...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Abby is still awake so I let her check out your blog...she just LOVES the pictures of Baby Gracie. 'Oh, she is just SO CUTE' she says everytime she sees a new photo. She's a Gracie fan :)