Sunday, November 2, 2008

Gracie, Meet Rice Cereal...(The Video)

If you're interested in watching the show and have a few minutes...ENJOY!!


Nelson and Karina Bell said...

Loved watching the video and hearing Ellie Bob giggling! Gracie sure made some great faces too.

Craig and Bethany said...

How cute! I love hearing you guys talking to her too! Little window into your family. :) I think Lulu and Gracie will get along just fine, big kissable cheeks, and expressive eyebrows. How adorable!

Headbands, just sewed some flowers on plain headbands. Gracie would make the flowers look real cute!

Jeremiah, Kristin, and Liam said...

when gracie lochhead woke up that morning, little did she know she would be exploring new frontiers ... ADORABLE!!