Thursday, November 20, 2008


After weeks of playing with her on the floor, cheering her on, and waiting patiently to see her roll over...(yes, Dad is watching her with his eyes closed--simply RESTING, Gracie--and snoring?!?)...

...She did it! Back to tummy!

...of course she rolled over when neither of us were LOOKING, silly girl. Go figure. :)


The Largents said...

oh how cute! Shes doing good! Anthony rolled over from stomach to back 1 day , it was crazy. He just only can go from back to side. Watch out she'll be asking for the car keys soon, just joking!

Claire said...

Yea! It looks like she'll soon be rolling all around the room!

Craig and Bethany said...

Haha, she'll be crawling all over the place in a jiffy!

Jeremiah, Kristin, and Liam said...

woo hoo! go gracie!

Becky said...

Roll on Gracie! :)