Friday, December 12, 2008

Should I Know These People?

Santa is holding his beard because Gracie really liked its texture and kept tugging. It was a glorious 30 seconds on Santa and Mrs. Claus' laps...but all good things must come to an end, and Gracie was happy to let other babies sit with the Clauses. Jeff and I are thinking, judging by the look on Santa's face, he could use a good Peppermint Mocha coffee right about NOW.

Here's a better view of G'ma Colleen's dress! :)


Craig and Bethany said...

Hilarious! Gracie totally looks ready to give that soft beard another tug!

Becky said...

I LOVE your new header photo!! What a happy family you are. Next year Santa better watch out for Gracie's grabby hands! They will only get stronger in the next 12 months!! :)

Heather Estridge said...

Love the expression on Grace's face in your second photo, :) Fun memories!