Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Social Butterfly

Our friend Heidi watched Grace the other day--she and the girls took Gracie to Chuck E. Cheese! What a fun day! When I picked her up after school, Heidi informed me that we have a very social child. We weren't surprised to hear that she was very excited when they were out--with people buzzing about (we can just picture her head craning to see everything), and that she did NOT like it when Heidi or the girls had to walk out of the living room and leave her alone, even for just a few seconds.

At daycare, Grace is so social that she can only afford to take cat-naps--we're pretty sure she just likes playing and doesn't want to miss out! When I drop her off, I try to snuggle with her a little, but she usually wants nothing to do with me and is busy looking around and waving at babies and her teachers. When Jeff picks her up at the end of the day, she sleeps for an hour in her car seat--exhausted from a day of play.

I think these laundry pictures capture Grace's budding personality--she was most content being part of the folding process (waving the socks in the air and babbling), rather than on the sidelines watching me from her playmat. She's SUCH a good helper. :)

1 comment:

Craig and Bethany said...

Social butterfly?! I wonder where she gets that? :]