Friday, April 17, 2009

Five Little Gracie Tidbits

5. Gracie loves to stand. And walk--with help. She wraps her little hands around her daddy's fingers and takes him all over the house. This week she found that the screen door has a window right at her level--she stood there for 15 minutes, talking to the window...

4. Squealing. Ear-piercing screaming is her new trick. We are NOT very big fans. No megaphones for her birthday, please. She's got her own, built-in instrument. We're just trying to TRAIN her skills...

3. We have Gracie's blood drawn every month to keep an eye on her PKU levels. This month her scores went up considerably, so we found out that we have to take meat and eggs out of her diet for a while and give her special formula to bring her levels back down. She's not in any danger, we're just bummed that she's having to be restricted in her eating.

2. She loves the word BABY. She stretches her arm across the room to point at the picture of HERSELF on the mantle and says, "Baby! Baby!" and wiggles with excitement. She also looks at the chair and says BABY and looks at her toys and says BABY and looks at her food and says BABY...

1. We're starting to sing "Happy Birthday" to Gracie so that she'll be used to it when she hears it in May. She likes ANY music and starts clapping whenever she hears a tune. And she does a little bounce dance that is quite adorable.


Jeremiah, Kristin, and Liam said...

She's growing so fast! I'm sorry to hear about the PKU thing - we will pray for God to heal it. Good thing she's got such great parents to take care of her, though ... kw

The Largents said...

I love the window picture! She has so cute hair! We will pray that everything goes well with her PKU levels, shes so perfect. I bet shes going to be a cheer leader with her social skills!!! :)