Saturday, May 2, 2009

Palouse Falls

Jeff and I have decided that this summer our goal is to hike as many local trails as we can. Maybe we'll get a map and highlight the trails we've taken. We kicked off the hiking season on Friday. Jeff took the day off and we went to Palouse Falls--located 30 miles south of Ritzville. It was crazy to be driving through miles of farming hills and then--whammo!--out of nowhere appears this gorgeous waterfall that has carved a canyon through the fields and pastureland. It's a place we'd never been that we can now mark on the "We Have Hiked Here" map!

Jeff told me that just last week a kayaker set the world record for biggest drop kayaked here at Palouse Falls. Eeeek.

The Palouse's version of a grand canyon...

This one's for you, Mom. Couldn't resist...

Grace did a great job in the pack for and hour and a half! We have a little hiker on our hands! :)

1 comment:

Craig and Bethany said...

You are so stinkin' adventurous! Hate to admit it, but it's kinda inspiring... :)