Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Are These Two Related?

You have to look DEEPLY to see the resemblances of this mother/son duo... :)

Back in December Jeff and Colleen celebrated their pre-Christmas birthdays and we celebrated at our house. Happy belated birthday to a couple of CRAZY LOCHHEADS! You make life so fun. :)

Q: Does anyone want to ask Jeff what he got for his 30th birthday? Something to help him feel youthful...

A: ...or at least FULL of YOUTH on the road! Yep, we said we'd never do it and we're eating every anti-minivan word. What a way to bring in the new DECADE! :)

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas!

"Titt 'ights" = Christmas Lights...we laugh every time she says this!
"Good Job, Daddy" = What Gracie says whenever she sees outdoor lights put up--he gets credit for the whole town's lights!
"TREEEEE!" = Christmas tree
"Hee-Haw! Tanks, Dianne!" = said when she views her stuffed donkey toy under the tree from her babysitter
"More Tookie" = her favorite holiday food addition...frosted, pressed, swirled...they're all delicious! (and G'ma's are the best for giving LOTS of these!)
"Happy Birthday, Daddy...Happy Birthday, Jesus." = still being said the week after dad's birthday...the second part is said after we prompt her: "Who else's birthday is it?" Sometimes G'ma Colleen gets a birthday wish, but it's immediately followed by, "Happy Birthday, 'Tott." Apparently she and Papa Scott go together. :)

Monday, December 7, 2009

Baby Jesus

I'm pretty sure God had Mary and Joseph ride a DONKEY to Jerusalem just so that 2000 years later our little girl of 18 months would be hooked to the manger scene. Oh, we keep asking her about Baby Jesus...and she knows who he is...but somehow the donkey keeps jumping into her fingers. She even calls her Nativity Book, "Hee-haw." Wouldn't that be just like God to think of HER when sending his own son?

Here's Baby Jesus, Mom!
She loves her nativity, G'ma Joan! Thank you!!!

"KK and 'Eeah"

Gracie loves Kalei and one makes her giggle quite like them! Thanks for playing so well with her, girls!

Daddy's Girl

He's the first thing she mentions when we say, "Let's go home."

She has quickly decided that on his lap is the best place to be each morning...with her cheerios, of course. (Did I mention she can say "cereal"? She really is Jeff's girl!)

I took a nap on Saturday while Jeff and Gracie watched basketball in the basement. When she came upstairs I asked her if she had played with Daddy...her response was four words: "Hamp. (Dad's always at camp...) Downstairs. GO ZAGS!"

"Hi, Daddy..."
"Happy Birthday, Daddy."

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Giving Thanks..."Amen!" --Grace

Gracie discovered pumpkin pie this year! "Mmmm...MORE."

A full table of Lochheads...though we were missing Angela and Jen's family...glorious food!

Three turkeys in the kitchen...

Make that FOUR turkeys...this is our drawer and cupboard organizer, Grace. I don't think she'll fit here next year! :)

Our newest Lochhead additon...Swede! Couldn't resist this little "Welcome to the Family" present...he seemed amused, don't you think?

This is one of the many attempts at a family picture for the Christmas Card...toddlers make things REAL. Real fun! :) Stay tuned for the final pic to come in the mail this month!

And of course, "Bro-bro" had to get in on the pilgrim fun... He was QUITE amused.

So thankful for all that we've been blessed with this year--sweet daughter, new house, loving family and friends, jobs, and baby on the way... We are so blessed!