Wednesday, December 23, 2009

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas!

"Titt 'ights" = Christmas Lights...we laugh every time she says this!
"Good Job, Daddy" = What Gracie says whenever she sees outdoor lights put up--he gets credit for the whole town's lights!
"TREEEEE!" = Christmas tree
"Hee-Haw! Tanks, Dianne!" = said when she views her stuffed donkey toy under the tree from her babysitter
"More Tookie" = her favorite holiday food addition...frosted, pressed, swirled...they're all delicious! (and G'ma's are the best for giving LOTS of these!)
"Happy Birthday, Daddy...Happy Birthday, Jesus." = still being said the week after dad's birthday...the second part is said after we prompt her: "Who else's birthday is it?" Sometimes G'ma Colleen gets a birthday wish, but it's immediately followed by, "Happy Birthday, 'Tott." Apparently she and Papa Scott go together. :)

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