Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Yep, it's time. This purse and I have seen many seasons together--fresh out of college days, young career days, dating days, newlywed days, lady-with-her-first-baby-but-she-refuses-to-give-in-and-carry-the-huge-purse days...

But now I've come to terms with the fact that this little red purse has lived a good life and is now ready to relax (?) in the hands of my almost-two year old daughter who loves to slap it over her shoulder and push her stroller across the living room to Fred Meyer.

Enjoy your retirement years, Little Red Purse. We've had a good run.

1 comment:

Hmmm.... said...

wish my wife had the longevity with purses that you do:) I guess we all have our weakness.