Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Kids' Dedication

On Sunday, November 14, we dedicated Grace and Josh at church. It was a blessed day--so many of our friends and family were there to show their love for our kids. We are so incredibly blessed!


The Bennetts said...

What an awesome celebration! I'm glad to hear you were surrounded by love!

I smiled when I saw your dad in the picture... I guess my parents called him on his cell (they were at your parent's house not knowing where they were) and he answered in a whisper... asking if he could call them back because he was in church! Only your dad would answer!! haha

The Bennetts said...

P.S. I'm dying to know how you put those SUPER CUTE pictures of Grace and Josh on the side of your blog... you included their names, ages,... I want to do that too! I LOVE them!