Saturday, September 10, 2011

Deep Creek

Once the Van Sickles got home from Alaska in August, we had some time to do fun afternoon outings.  Usually we're at the farm harvesting, but this year crops were late, so we got to stay in Spokane and play.

Deep Creek was named incorrectly.  It should be called DRY CREEK.  It was probably impressive in March.  August had left it...a unique environment.  We decided to roll back to Audubon Park to use the splash pad and picnic there.


Van Sickles said...

I really am considering hiring you to just do my blog for me, being that you have way more fun entries about my family on your blog than I would ever hope to on my own!! Ha,ha! :) Love it!! The hike pics. are precious! Love you guys.

Jeremiah, Kristin, and Liam said...

Oh man, this post made me miss Spokane so bad ... and all of you!

We love the Lochheads & the Van Sickles!