Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Isn't this picture of G'ma Colleen and the kids PRECIOUS?  They obviously love it when she plays from her Mary Poppins sheet music--it really doesn't get any better, in their minds!  She is such a grandkid spoiler...Gracie and Josh love their Tuesdays with G'ma...filled with playdoh, Elmo's Christmas Countdown, walks with Brodie, making biscuits, jumping on the bed, and getting out all of the kid dishes from the kitchen cupboard.  Oh, and reading books.  They love reading books with her.

...and Papa is the best throw-the-kids-on-the-bed grandpa there is!  They've gotten to where they ask HIM if they can jump on his bed because he's the best kid-tosser.  He also knows the way to Joshy's heart--throwing rocks.  He stood here quite a while with Josh, just tossing landscape rocks into the bushes.

We are so blessed to have them close-by.  We love you, G'ma and Papa!

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