Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas Morning

Christmas morning came to the Lochhead house the morning of the 24th...  Gracie came into our room at 7:00, wondering if it was time to get up yet.  As I started to mumble that it was still too early, Jeff's foot nudged mine and he whispered, "Mommy, she's SO excited..."  Well, I'm not sure WHO was more excited...her or her dad!  We rolled out of bed, much to a bouncing girl's delight, and woke Joshy to go see if there were presents under our tree.  Sure enough!  Gracie noticed right away that something was amiss on the stair railing... "Mommy, why did you take the stockings down?"  She quickly spotted them resting on the ottoman.  We read the Christmas Story out of Gracie's Bible, took a kid shot in front of the tree, and dove into the tearing of wrapping paper...

Gracie's gift was a unicorn that came with a play mat that zips into a carrying bag.  Very quickly, all sorts of animals and treasures found their way into her treasured box.

Joshy's gift was a Boomer the Fire Truck track--much like his Handy Truck Trick-Track that he has been loving.  He really wanted to help Daddy put everything together--and battery installment is his specialty.  He knows exactly which shelf in the refrigerator holds the AA's.

The family gift was set of "Marble-Run" blocks.  Both kids love to build blocks with their Dad.  I just watched on  as they built, built, built...rolled, rolled, and rolled...and then Joshy wrecked!

Gracie did get new star undies in her stocking...

 ...a Toy Story sticker book...

 ...and Joshy got some Thomas Trains!

And quite possibly the best part of the morning was putting up/revealing the final step in our advent calendars...  This set is on loan to us from Auntie Debbie and Daniel.  Joshua loves to put the little ornament-books on their tree!

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