Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Welcome, Baby Oden!

Oden Thomas Lochhead
Born February 20, 2012
5 lbs. 11 oz.
21 inches
(And look at that strawberry-blonde hair!)

Gracie and Josh have a new baby cousin!  To all of our delight, and as an answer to prayer, Oden was born on Monday, healthy at 34 weeks!

Here's Annie with her two chocolate milkshakes after FOUR DAYS of labor--to say that she did an amazing job would most definitely be understating it!  And Drew, showing off little Oden in the ICU.  This little one is a miracle baby!  We are so excited!  

Welcome to the world, Oden Thomas!  You are precious and loved from the very start!  (Gracie prayed tonight that you would grow brave and smart and that you'd learn how to play with your teether).

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