Wednesday, August 1, 2012

These [Summer] Days...

 Gracie these days...

  • Is currently trying out the word "brilliant" in sentences.  ("Is brilliant Spanish for awesome?")  She also has picked up on "migration" and "orchestra," which are a little trickier to use in daily language, but sound great coming out of her mouth, nonetheless.  Thanks, Little Einsteins!
  • Is asking great bedtime questions about God:  How do we hear God?  How do we follow God?  Did you know that God knows how many hairs are on our heads?!? She is quite interested in God...and she loves to prolong bedtime.  :)
  • Is wondering what foods she may like in the future:  "Will I like meat when I am a grown up?"  Nope, your body won't ever like meat.  "Will I like coffee?"  Most definitely.  How about broccoli?  "I already like broccoli, Mom!"
  • Is dressing herself in the mornings!  Wahoo!  She likes to surprise us with the outfits she picks out, and loves to get dressed first thing in the morning.  (Remember this in the teenage years!)
  • Has an amazing memory for people and places.  Today we drove by the Largents' church and she said, "That's where Lauren got baby-tized!"

  Joshy these days...
  • Is giving great hugs, when they aren't "stuck in his pockets."  He also says, "Missed you, Mom!" when I'm out of the room for a few moments and he notices.
  • Is still saying, "Carry you!" when he wants to be picked up.
  • Is asking, "Movie night?" probably fifty times a day.  I'm not exaggerating.  I estimated six times per day and Julie informed me that I was grossly underestimating that number.  And he isn't asking if he can wait for night time for the movie.  To him, he's asking, "Can we watch a movie now?"  Favorites right now are Little Einstein and Bob the Builder movies sent by Slick and Twinkles (pronounced "Sick" and "Tinkles" by Joshy)
  • LOVES cheese sticks, oatmeal, and pancakes.  Picks at anything that isn't one of these three foods.
  • Is having a hard time communicating when he's frustrated with Gracie--he  resorts to full-fledged hitting, which leads to a time-out, which leads to an apology...
  • Is going potty each time he sits down in the bathroom.  He doesn't want to go all the time, but he's getting tired of laying down to put on diapers, so when these run out, he's getting pull-ups!

1 comment:

Van Sickles said...

These are some adorable kids! Love to hear all the specifics about them... things I didn't totally know either. Who maade these amazing popsicles and how can we get some when we come back? :)