Friday, February 1, 2013

A Poop Party!!!!

In my first years of teaching, I ran into one of my 5th grade students at Chuck E. Cheese and I asked if they were there for a birthday party...I remember Chase looking at me sheepishly and telling me that they were there to celebrate the fact that his little sister finally went POOP on the potty.  :)  A POOP PARTY!!!  Years have gone by, and little Ashley is now in the middle school and her older brother Chase graduated last year, but I think of them now, as we get so excited about the milestone of no more poopy diapers in our house!

Well we didn't have to go to Chuck E. Cheese--and thank goodness, because our kids are deathly afraid of walking mascots, especially rodents!  :)  Auntie Heidi brought Joshy a POOP PARTY kit!  Apparently, Huggies Pull-ups produces these cute party hats (with toilets on them, I might add) and blowers to help families celebrate this momentous accomplishment in toddler homes across the country.  Joshy was so excited upon receiving the kit that he tried SEVERAL times that night to meet the party requirements, but alas, he wasn't able to celebrate that night.  But the next morning...he was on a mission!  This time he was successful...and there was much rejoicing...  :)


Keith and Meghan said...

Love this idea!

Amy Hook said...

Okay this is completely hysterical. It's amazing the new exciting things we get to party about as parents ;).