Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Levi's Pigs

 Easter evening we got to go help take care of Levi's pigs--Joshy had been asking!  Gracie and Megan only got THIS CLOSE, due to the "icky" smell.  The rest of the time these two were picking dandelions in the driveway.  :)

One of these is "Big Gun."

 Joshy got to feed the pigs marshmallows--what a treat!

Look at this cackle--he's loving it!

Weighing the pigs...

This was the perch that he found that helped him see everything.

He got to help mix in the feed...Auntie said, "Josh!  That was just the right amount to pour...how did you know?"  He shrugs his shoulders and said, "I just knowed."  No big deal.  :)

Very fun visit.  Thank you, Auntie and Levi and Jerry!  We still talk about the pigs...mostly when things smell a little off, Joshy shouts, "I smell pigs!"  :)

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