Saturday, August 31, 2013

Farm Swim Party, 2013

G'ma Trudy and Papa LeRoy won the Pool Party at the school auction again this year!  We were invited to join the family and swim on the first weekend in August at Mary Druffel's pool.

We had a great time, though we were missing a few people.  Little Kenley was sick, so Nate and Lindsay were at home with her...the harvest was in full swing, so we were missing the daddies and grandpa...and Tom was not doing well, so G'ma Joan was in Pullman helping Diane.  I think it was a nice distraction to be entertained by cute little fishies such as these...  :)

 Gracie, the torpedo...Joshy the stairs rat.

After they fed us dinner we finally coaxed the kids out of the pool with a little game of kick-around.  Kelly took great pictures, so I may be adding the group shot soon...

 Beautiful harvest night.

And before we left the farm we washed Papa's car for him.  (After we practiced on our van and car!)

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