Friday, October 18, 2013

TESL (Templin / Edmondson / Schneringer / Lochhead) Reunion

We were so happy to have Troy and Lauren come to Spokane for the weekend!  They stayed with us during the Whitworth Homecoming celebration and we had many fun hours of togetherness.

Calzone night is the long-lasting tradition, which started in the days when Troy and Lauren would host college friends Joel and Jeff.  We've grown a few more mouths to feed since those days...what fun!  I love that even little Anna got in on this picture!

The kids had so much fun playing together.  It was so fun to see them enjoy each other.  Oh, yeah--I think Jeff was the biggest kid!

 Zoe was quite excited about Jeff.  She kept finding him...and it didn't bother Jeff one bit!  :)

 Green Bluff has been another tradition of the reunion weekend.  Knapps is our farm of choice--punkin' chunkin', goats, donkeys, and...

 ...the hay pit!

We had such a fun time reuniting with these friends.  Our new favorite thing is to see our kids enjoy each other too!  It's been a couple of weeks since the visit and we are still mentioning Caleb, Ali and Zoe in our conversation...

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