Sunday, November 10, 2013

40 Years of Wedded BLISS

Mom and Dad celebrated their FORTIETH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY this October!  We surprised them with dinner out at The Brass Lantern in Genesee.  We tried to keep it a secret, that is.  Mom kept trying to plan her own party…and we kept trying to thwart her plans…  :)
Delicious prime rib, seafood, and adult beverages…without kids!!!  What a treat!  We had such a great time just visiting and hearing everyone's stories...

And of course for the 40th we had to guess the top 40 songs from Kasey Kasem's Top 40 from 1973…Dad knew most of them!

Thanks for holding us all together the last 40 years, Parental Units!  We are blessed by you!

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