Tuesday, June 24, 2014

3-Year-Old Preschool Graduation

The end of the year snuck up on us…but ready or not, Josh was the first one in our family to reach [sing the next phrase with the tune from Chevy's Chase's "Christmas Vacation"…] Summer Vacation!  Summer Vacation!  We took flowers for his teachers who are amazing!

Josh knows how to perform!  He had me in stitches with his exuberance!  I kept thinking about what his teachers said back in October when I checked in with them to see how he was doing…"He's just excited about life!"

 Love this one.  :)

 I really could eat him up, he's so cute.

 Kai Guy getting his certificate.

 And last but not least, JOSHUA LOCHHEAD!

 I love how he's grabbing Mrs. Johnson's pant leg…

Josh grew so much this year!  He loved going to school--even if he said each morning that he'd miss me when I was gone--and had a very good experience.  So glad we have one more  year before he's a Kindergartner! :)

I love this picture of Josh and his buddy, Kai.  They're goofs.

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