Sunday, November 30, 2014

I know it's cold. I know it's windy. Stand by the shop doors and smile anyway!

There was a camera on a tripod.  An awesome red shop door.  A very excited G'ma Joan.  And a lot of whiny Mosers.  :)  Which of them faked their smiles the best?

Thankful Hearts

We have so much to be thankful for this year!  Three healthy kids, conquering National Boards, a new niece and a new nephew...and God's ever-present presence in our lives.  We celebrated at the farm this year, heading down Wednesday night and returning Sunday evening.

Linnea and Kaitlyn had to stay at Whitworth over break to fulfill their RA duties, but they were able to come down to the farm for the day to eat with us.  We were happy to have them with us--and happy that they came down after us, as we'd forgotten the turkey highchair decoration at home!  They brought it down to us so that we could have THREE Lochhead turkeys recorded in history...

And after all of that extra effort, I can't find a picture of Josh in the turkey highchair.  
Oh, well.  :)
Lochhead Turkeys--Gracie at 6 months, Josh at 9 months, and Micah at 12 months

 Little Lauren was so darling in her holiday dress! Almost two months old...

 Millie loved helping Micah in the retro walker.

 ...and this was the year that our big kids discovered cards with the adults!

See that beverage bottle in the right hand corner of this picture?  Well exactly three seconds after I took this picture, it spilled all over the scorecards and table.  But this moment was pretty precious!

 My puzzle man.

On Friday Jeff and I shopped in Lewiston (late morning--no early-birding it this year!) and then we took Moser family pictures at Ben's (see the next post!).  The Apple Cup was Friday this year so we went down to Ben's that evening, and on both Saturday and Sunday we watched the snow fall down and were happy to go nowhere.

 More cards with the Morrows and Mosers

Usually we are chomping at the bit to get home to put up the Christmas tree on Thanksgiving weekend, but this year we decided to completely rest on the holiday weekend.  Though I was itching to get going on holiday decorating, it was so wonderful to fully rest!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Babies and Balloons!

This was taken at the Morgan's house...we still rotate our Bible Study meeting places on Sunday afternoons.  Micah LOVES balloons.  Why do babies love the things that we are supposed to keep out of reach?  It's like they know from the beginning that suffocation hazards make the best toys.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Birthday Party Aftermath

Phew!  Conferences Friday night, party this is where Grace and I landed Saturday night after the party.  For once JEFF was taking the sleeping spouse picture...

The Day He Turned ONE.

This boy.  We had such a fun day--11/22, his first birthday on a Saturday!  We were so blessed to have a full house of loved ones to celebrate little Micah.  He was happy to have all of the excitement around him.

Micah is ONE, folks. ONE.

Friday, November 21, 2014

One of the perks for November birthday people...

PUMPKIN PIE on your birthday!!!  We love these two November-birthday Lochheads.  So thankful for both Papa Scott and Aunt Annie.

Laundry Bus

Micah LOVED the Laundry Bus game that Gracie showed him.

 Josh loved it too.  :)

He tired before the biggers.  They have Laundry Bus stamina built up...


Sadie and Micah are just two months different in age.
They are 3 years different in hair growth.  :)
And Abigail came to play one morning with the boys and me.  Had to take this shot of her giving the Elmo spoon a love.  :)

Thursday, November 20, 2014

The First Snow Dusting of the Season

Not much, but it was WHITE!

 Footprints made at 7:30 in the morning.

 And a little "Me Too," watching from the window.