Here's our Memorial Day Weekend baby! She was born on the Tuesday after Memorial Day and each year she gets a three-day weekend right near her day. This year, she turned SEVEN and we decided to let her have a family AND FRIENDS birthday the YMCA! This girl LOVES the water, and we thought it was the natural place for her first birthday party out of the house.
Her theme was a SUMMER PARTY! Again, perfect for our girl who would wear flip flops even through the winter. And we didn't make a cake this birthday, because she wanted these blue jello swimming pools for dessert. Score! The first birthday Jeff and I weren't up late the night before a party!
Gracie was so honored to have so many of her friends and family come to the party. We didn't want to leave anyone out, so we invited the girls in her class, the girls on her soccer team, and a few friends who didn't fall into those categories. We thought that we'd have a hard time getting people to come--on the Saturday of Memorial Day Weekend--but there were SO MANY PARTIERS!!! It was so fun.
We had lots of help--friends and brothers helping open presents, G'ma Colleen and Linnea helping me set up the party room, G'ma Joan helping take pictures and hold babies, Papa Scott running around with Micah during the party--making the day a success!
The girls decorated flip flops and then we dove into goodies and presents. The hour before swimming flew by!
But swimming was definitely the highlight. :)
Of course, MY highlight was the margarita waiting for me at Rancho Chico afterwards! Mom and Kelly and the kids ate dinner with us before they headed back to the farm. Ahhhh, the relief after a day of partying. Gracie loved each moment. (And her brother tried hard to be the second fiddle...)