Saturday, May 2, 2015

Saturday Cartoon Morning

"Is it Saturday Cartoon Morning?!?" Josh asks ALMOST every day when he wakes up...

We do a pretty good job of not watching TV every day...and when we do, we rarely go over an hour...but those rules go OUT THE WINDOW on lazy Saturday mornings.  Brain frying regularly happens on these mornings.  It's nice to not have to say NO every day...

On this particular morning, Micah wanted to drink his bottle with the big kids on the couch.  He doesn't sit still too long, though.  He's not too enamored by screen time quite yet.  (Phew!)  I have found that I can't resist taking their picture when they're so close in proximity.  Three peas in the couch pod.

"Goooooooal!"  Saturday Cartoon Mornings quickly become Saturday Soccer Mornings.  Gracie's two biggest fans...

AND, it's yard sale season.  On the way home we stopped to go through a neighborhood sale.  I'm always on the lookout for things on Dad's list.  One such thing:  brass pipe attachment THINGS for his lamps.  I sent him this picture to ask if he needed these...he already had several and they were overpriced.  But he wanted to know what else was there that he might like...

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