Thursday, December 31, 2015

New Year's Eve, 2015

 Linnea came to visit us!!!  We were so excited to have her stay with us for a few days, and we just vegged around.  We took her sledding at Whitworth and to see Kaitlyn at Dutch Bros, but other than that, we just hibernated.  She was very impressed with our snow.  OH.  And she and Kaitlyn watched the kids one night so Jeff and I could go see Star Wars 7:  The Force Awakens.  EX.CELL.ENT.

 She brought this fun present for the kids!

And our New Year's Eve was a little bit quieter with the Van Sickles in Juneau for their niece's wedding.  Julie and her mom came and then Julie's brother and S-I-L came with little Cali.  We played Qwixx and Splendor.  The kids didn't make it to midnight, but without their buddies, that would've perhaps been impossible.  So they were in bed at 10 and we were in bed by 12:30!

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