Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Goodbye Peppermint Creamer, Hello Routine

Ohhhh, going back to work was so hard!  Jeff had to send me this picture of his last cup of coffee with his Peppermint Mocha creamer.  (We may or may not have drove around town, looking for the remainder of this delicious stuff...)

The kids loved getting back into routine (once they were out of bed and had an hour to wear the funk off).  We had a two-week break from PAPERS ON THE CUPBOARD, but these little paper creations from our kindergartener brought a smile to my face.

We got the potty out of storage!  Micah thinks it's a great place to read.  Hmmm, I wonder where he got that idea?

And the kids DOVE into swim lessons during January.  Micah even got to get in with Dad.

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