Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Science Night Out at LSE

Science Night Out at my school proved to be fun for the whole family!  :)  We got take-out and ate in Mommy's classroom...

This excited-faced picture was taken right after we got the text saying that Sarabeth and Joel had finished and turned in the first round of their adoption paperwork--yay!!!!!--so we sent them this SO EXCITED FOR YOU pic.

Oh, they're darling.

And right when we walked into the gym, the first grade teachers were making pinwheels right beside a box fan.  Guess who spent the whole evening at this booth?

Sometimes G'ma Dianne drops the boys off at LSE right after school on her way to one of Taylor's games.  Whenever we walk by the gym Micah says, "Can we go to Sci Night?"

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