Saturday, June 11, 2016

Papa Goes Back to 1966

We got to have a farm weekend in early June.  The main purpose of this visit was to have a Retirement Party for mom, but in true Moser fashion, Papa "overshadowed her" on Saturday...  Aunt Cindy came back for the weekend b/c it was her 50th HS Reunion at Colton HS, and dad offered to escort her in his 1962 treasure:  Black Beauty.  He had me bring home his Letterman's Sweater to see if he could wear it...
...but we decided he was a little too buff to wear it these days.   😂

And Aunt Christi came into town, too, for Mom's party...she brought gifts, of course...retirement puzzles! (because what ELSE is mom going to have time for?!?)

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