Friday, January 20, 2017


Amidst THREE snow days in January, we found some inside fun to be had...
Alea starred in her school's Missoula Children's Theater production of Peter and Wendy.  Alea was Tiger Lily and she did a great job!  It was so fun to watch her perform at the end of her week of practice!


Jeff's water bottle broke!  You'd think it was the freezing weather that did it, but I think it was just dropped one too many times.  We had to take pictures of all of his stickers before we tossed it and he started over on the Nat'l Park sticker collection.

Fizzie's with Family!!!  Need I say more?

And we had a date night!  Kaitlyn and Linnea offered to watch the kids on a Friday night in January to let Jeff and I dine alone.  Linnea was getting ready to leave for LA, so this was a sweet time--coffee shop in pajamas was quite memorable!

And Josh was so sad to part with Linnea...and her Chewie stuffed animal!  He asked her if he could take it to school for the day before she left...

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