Friday, March 31, 2017

Spring Break Kick-Off

Spring Break started on the afternoon of 3/31...this meant that Baskin Robbins wanted to help us start our break with $1 ice cream cones!  A great way to start our week off!

 Daddy stayed home with Josh that night so that they could go to Josh's last basketball game.  But Grace and Micah and I headed down to the farm because IT WAS MARCH 31!

This year, G'ma Trudy had a carrot problem:  She'd had her extra carrots buried in the backyard, and half of them disappeared without a trace!  It was the perfect year to decorate with FOUND CARROTS:

This was the first year that GRACE got to assist in the late-night delivery.  She was a nervous Nelly, not wanting me to slam our van door or sneeze.

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