Sunday, April 30, 2017

April Hodgepodge

I'm not saying anything political here.  I'm just pointing out the phenomenal sketching of one of my 5th graders.  The eyes!  ðŸ˜‚

Micah loves playing with his siblings' things when they're at school...

This diagram is Joshy's work.  I must be a teacher, because I love everything about this! "Claws" and "Lizard, chameleon" make me smile.


And April birthdays in the Lochhead family!  We tried something a little different this year, missing Pappy for his birthday for the first time.  I think it helped to have this party later, with everyone, instead of just the Drew/Pappy party.  We are missing that man!

Sunday, April 23, 2017


My soul celebrated every bit of green that peeked up this spring.  This day I remember walking around my yard with a coffee in one hand and my camera in the other.

Friday, April 21, 2017

Josh's Birthday Party, Take 2!!!

The birthday party finally happened!!!  Almost a month later, but who's counting?  Josh seemed to have a MONTH of birthday celebrations and it didn't bother him a bit!  When I finally got around to rescheduling with the YMCA, their dates were limited, and I ended up booking a Friday afternoon in April.  What a birthday year to remember!  Here's our SEVEN YEAR OLD!!! (who looks like a wookie...)

Wow.  Feel the energy!

The 45 minute party activities I had planned (photo booth, cake, presents) was taken a light speed with these boys, and we finished and ended up stalling for the last 15 minutes, waiting for the lifeguard speech.  We were slowly losing control, and secretly I was praying into sainthood any first grade teacher, but especially these boys' first grade teacher...

Ah, the pool!  Lots of energy spent here.

And my favorite little Yoda--Nelsie.  Cutest Jedi Master I've ever seen.

Warning: Teacher Shown Using Reverse Psychology on Students

I bet you can't do your End-of-Day jobs without a peep.  I'd even offer you 20 classroom points if you could.  But I don't think you can...

Thursday, April 20, 2017


She beat me at my own trick.  (Insert shaking fist, here!)

Wednesday, April 19, 2017


And, another Jeff Sleeping pic for my collection.  Coffee table book to come...

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

April Showers for Giddy Lochhead Storm Watchers

G'ma and Papa were over for dinner when this beaut hit...

It was better than dessert for these crazed storm-watchers!

Saturday, April 15, 2017

March and April Farm Birthdays

More preciousness.

March birthdays! It was a little crazy to get together in March, but we'll celebrate them in April, too!  Josh was more than happy to drag out his birthday celebration!  

All of the Moser grandkids!  Just kidding.  Megan's missing.

SERIOUS March/April Birthday Peep pic...

SILLY March/April Birthday Peep pic...

Ah, the craziness.