Sunday, May 21, 2017

Colin and Linnea Came to Visit!!!

Zach graduated from Whitworth this weekend, so Colin and Linnea flew in from LA for a few days!  We loved having them (mostly!) to ourselves, as everyone was busy with graduation festivities.

Decorating the cap is a big deal, you know...

And of course, these two offered to steal the kids for an evening to give Jeff and I a date night, so bikes at the college was the first part...

I don't remember what was so funny, but when we're with C and L, we're always laughing.

They were totally into Grace's HP party.  They went to the mall to get her a shirt (to replace the one from Amazon that was wrong) and got all sorts of HP things for her gift.  She was in HP heaven!

And when they left, we were sad.  Love these two.

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