Monday, August 7, 2017

Called Up

On a smoky Friday in August, we got the call from Ben asking if Jeff would come down to be a semi driver for fall wheat harvest.  Jeff got the truck licensed and then took off down the road with Josh in tow.  They were going to farm for a few days before the rest of us came to join them.  G'ma and Papa were at Ocean Shores for the weekend visiting Brad and Pam, so the Lochhead boys were on their own at the farm.  Kelly cooked for them and made them lunches as they drove in the harvest field.

Uncle Pat taught Josh how to drive the truck!  Eek!

And that night I snuck away to blog...while the Van Sickles were in charge of the other two Lochheads while their parents went to a movie!  Who gets a night at the coffee shop when they're a single parent?!?

 The next day, the hazel-eyed Lochheads continued to help the guys at the farm while the blue-eyed Lochheads went to Henry's birthday party at the lake in CDA.

 It was so crazy in CDA, as Art in the Park was there, too!  We escaped to Arby's on the way home, and sent this pic to Daddy to keep him up to speed on our activities.

The next day the Van Sickle kids came over to our house to play while Heidi and Judy and I went in to Heidi's classroom to get things going!  We got a lot accomplished, and then the next day, the blue-eyed Lochheads joined the hazel-eyed Lochheads at the farm!

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