Wednesday, October 25, 2017

The boys.

 This year I've been able to volunteer once a month in the big kids' classrooms.  I think the teachers like it, but my kids really love having me there, which is reason enough to do it.  I got to eat lunch with Josh this last time around and he was all huggy.  (#readthispostwhenhe'sateenandwantsnothingtodowithme)

And after preschool, Micah and I went to Target on some errand...he was convinced he could move those concrete balls...

In fact, this picture sort of captures the "Creature of All Knowledge" Phase Micah's experiencing as of late.  True conversation:
Micah:  Mom, I'm tickling you in your elbow.
Mom:  No, that's my armpit.  THIS is my elbow.
Micah: No, that's your WEENIS.
(Mom's mind:  Thanks, Dad, for teaching him this word.  So helpful at ALL the right times.)
Mom:  Well, the whole area is your elbow and the little flappy skin is called your weenis.
Micah:  Nope.

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