Saturday, January 20, 2018

The Arts and Sciences of January

The fridge could not contain him...not sure why the mantle is the gallery of choice for our budding Picasso, but it sure is cute to hear him hum while coloring, stretch out the scot=ch tape, and say, "Perfect!" as he attaches the latest drawing to his exhibit.

Nelsie got to go to preschool with us this week!  I love the plank position on the carpet during circle time...

 Mead HS had their science night and we got to get our hands on some circuits and such.  A fun night!

Lego creations are still keeping the boys busy this month...I'm pretty sure Micah put 75% of this together on his own.

 And of course we had some iPad time this month...

 Kai was in the play, Aladdin, with his school!  It was so fun to watch him perform!

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