Friday, April 24, 2020

Quarantine Week 6? I'm losing track...

Sent G'ma Joan's quilt to her in the mail...another Covid Birthday! Ugh!

Hiked with the V's while we crate-trained Nessa for a spell.  She's not supposed to go out much until she gets her shots finished up...

Nessa LOVES Dexter, and they spend quality time together at the back fence.

Online church services were the thing on Sunday mornings!  Grace and Josh had Zoom SS classes!

The Eccleshalls found us one Sunday morning "going to" church.

More baths...until we learned that too many baths could dry out her skin.  Phew!  Those are hard work!

DutchBros--we must've needed an outing.  :)

Micah is learning to cook his own eggs!

Lots of piano "noodling" going on here.  Practice and online lessons, too!  :)

Jeff and Jon snuck away to ride bike a time or two...
Thanks to Ang and the family for the bday shirt! :)

Jeff's lap might be her favorite place to nap.  Smart girl, picking the lap that holds still the longest.

Josh had soccer practice via zoom--here he's listening to Mo as he describes the drill to do next.

Josh and Dad got to go on a bike ride and Micah's face is again a mess.

Lots of tasty dinners during quarantine--and grocery pick up!

Cousin Millie sent a hug in the mail, and we took a pic to send in return.

Katie came over with a bottle of wine!  So nice to have her live close by...

Friday, April 17, 2020

Puppy Love...Quarantine Week 5

Here are the 10,000 pictures from our first week with Nessa.  :) She slept and snuggled and slept some bathed, met the Morrows, participated in a Birthday Car Parade for Ainsley Magee, slept under the recliner, met her bestee, Sandy Van Sickle, discovered her favorite toys, met Micah's Kindergarten class via zoom...and had a tablet dropped on her while sleeping.  Sheeesh!  We hope she survives us!  Lots of potty trips to the gravel at the bottom of the stairs...lots of attacking Micah's shoes...lots of crate time when we were trying to train her to be left alone SOME (very few) TIMES.